
A Community-Driven Study

This study is a community-based participatory research project, which means community members, organizational representatives, and academic researchers work in an equitable partnership in all aspects of the research process. In short, community involvement is key to the success of this project! Two community organizations, Origins Council and United Core Alliance, are partnered in the study. Moreover, will be a host of opportunities for community members throughout the state to participate and make their voices heard.

Community Advisory Board

We are working with community members to create and finalize the criteria for the Project’s Community Advisory Board [CAB]. The 13 member CAB will advise and collaborate with researchers on an array of aspects in the study, such as: public relations; participant criteria and selection; development of community outreach, education, and engagement program; research analysis; community engagement regarding botanical, legal, and public policy scopes; among others. In the coming month, community members will be able to submit nominations for the project’s CAB.

Research Participants

In this project, we recognize communities as the experts. Therefore, community nominations will also be used in the selection of research participants for three areas of the study: Plant Vouchering & Sequencing; Oral Histories; and Ethnographic Interviews. The nomination process is anonymous and unlimited, meaning you can submit as many nominations as you like in all three areas. Each nomination will be categorized, anonymized, and placed through the selection process with the project’s CAB and research team.

So stay tuned for upcoming nominations for the project’s Community Advisory Board and Research Participants this winter. The nomination forms will be available right here and your voice matters. Announcement for open nominations will be sent far and wide soon. 

Community Engagement Events

Legacy Cannabis Genetics Webinar Series

Learn more about the project and the research tracks within the study through the Project’s webinar series.  Topics scheduled below.



The research team will provide an overview of the multi-year project with each researcher discussing their scope of work.  Participant Q&A to follow.

Held via Zoom 12:00-1:30 PST

November 21 – Research Track: Ethnography & Political Geography

PI Corva will discuss the scope and role of ethnographic interviews in the project. Participant Q&A to follow.

Held via Zoom 12:00-1:00 PST

December 6 – Research Methodology: Community Based Participatory Research

Discussion of CBPR and its use in the study, as well as the project’s culturally sensitive community outreach, education, and engagement plan. Presentation led by CBPR Advisor Marj Plumb, Co-PIs Coleman and Holmes, and Khalil Ferguson. Participant Q&A to follow.

Held via Zoom 12:00-1:30 PST

December 20 – Research Track: Oral Histories

Co-PI Holmes will talk about the 100 hours of oral history interviews to be conducted in the study and their use and role in the research. Participant Q&A to follow.

Held via Zoom 12:00-1:30 PST

January 17 – Research Track: Herbarium Science & Plant Genetics

Co-PI Kuntz and partners at LeafWorks will discuss the role of cannabis genetics and herbarium science in the study. Participant Q&A to follow.

Held via Zoom 12:00-1:30 PST

February 7 – Research Track: Intellectual Property & Public Policy

Co-PI Coleman will talk about how the project will contribute to harnessing genetic resources and the potential intellectual property and policy implications. Participant Q&A to follow.

Held via Zoom 12:00-1:30 PST